Friday, November 11, 2016

Meeting Trump-Obama Body Language at the White House

0n the 10th of November 2016 president Obama and incoming president Trump held their 1st meeting at white house here are some remarks of their body language and what it  reveals

-Chairs position where arranged in a way to project friendly discussion or friendly gathering(with  an angle )  nevertheless a look at their faces and their bodies  positions doesn't say so

-Trump has a lower  steeple hand position  register confidence and a hide feeling of superiority with the smile on the face he is more comfortable and we know why
(steeple hand gesture usually taken by bosses and higher rank positions ) 

- for Obama the clinched hands show a body barrier and consider somehow negative attitude

-both sit with open legs as indication of openness
although both are well trained to project a positive image but as I said body language project the true feeling of each

- no proper eye contact where observed during the press conference between the two except once

-a twisted smile from Obama which  indicates only one message -> sarcasm

-while Obama states that the priority is to facilitate transition and ensure that the president elect is successful his eye were looking away instead of looking to the person in charge

As president Obama say in his announcement about the cooperation  with the new president but a blink to his eyes movement indicates that his talking to him self not to the elected president

these  are few remarks of the body language during the 1st brief meeting of the president and the incoming president of the united states of America at the white house and as I always said

People can say any thing but the truth reveal by their unconscious body language

Shadia Metwally

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Image & Body signs of the 1st American presidential Debate 2016

September  27 ,2016 was the 1st presidential debate between the two participants

 Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

The debate last non stop for 90- minutes

lets start with the entrance &  1st image of the 2 candidates and what it reveals

Donald Trump :

Trump shows up with a classical look where he use the classic color contrast rule with the vivid blue color tie the 1st impression is mature updated vivid candidate ,the vivid blue indicates vitality as well as serenity calmness

Hillary Clinton :

Hillary enters with a red color suit in a minimalistic look of accessories and a prominent red lipstick a  classic look to project  the impression that I am standing strong and sending message to audience and Americans that she's there to be heard and seen . she plays power game with the red color and the classic look too

now comes the body language & signals during the debate we see that :

during the hand shake tilted head of Trump shows a receptive mood & smile too from both

but we can see that trump being on the left of the camera  with the hand shake his left hand can make a back hold for Clinton this gesture indicates control more than affection same happened at the end of the debate

Aggressive hand gesture from Clinton also indicates I am in power and relax

-Trump used an aggressive hand gestures more often

indicate  power & strength shows capabilities to lead America & the world according to his rules

-hands & arms moved wide  and most of the debate he was holding the podium ->  more territories and space  wider perspective

-decisive signals also to indicate determination and strong well

being less skillful in political interviews than Hillary he shows more hand and body gestures

while on the other hand Hillary shows less aggressive hand gestures

Hillary used more sentimental aspect , used her hand & arms to grab attention too but in a discrete

less obvious way as to show intimacy and understanding for the American people needs and problems she's talking to a group of friends but with precision and strength

N:B Hand gestures grab attention and increase the impact of communication ,help people to retain more of what is said  but how to use it to serve your cause here come the expertise

see no evil said one of the wise monkeys adult when they rub the eye is the brain attempt to block out things in doubt and not to hear

The debate was seen  and followed world wide ,each candidate has played his best

will see what the American  voters will decide in 2 months time if they want  change in the  America's  internal & external policies or continuation of the  same Obama's policy

and last are the American president who ever is can  dramatically change the American policy/ concept/decision  externally or internally ? will wait and see

                                                                                                     Shadia Metwally

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Readings on G-20 summit 2016 pictures

The non-verbal signs  of the G-20 Summit 2016 and what it reveals

1st sign : the Choice of Hangzhou city

It's one of the oldest city in china and one of the rapidly developed industrial city too while the industrial development rising high with a growth rate of 10% while china growth rate is 7%  and still retain it's historical and cultural heritage so it represents  the history &industrial  progress  in the same time

2nd sign :

when the American ask to use one of the white house team to drive the stairway or an English speaking driver instead of the local Chinese ,the Chinese officials  refuse & told them they could use their own stairs and the pictures was spread in front pages of world media

and more the Chinese security officials roping off members of the white house press corps even the national security adviser Susan E. Rice   was hassled by security officials ( according to

at the point that Chinese officials said in a raised voice to a white house official

<this our country .this is our Airport >

3rd sign:

the long read carpet that all leaders walked along to shake hands where Chinese president is standing to welcome world leaders

the longer the distance walked by guests to reach the Chinese president to shake hands the bigger the status of the president compared to the guests

from  these signals China send message to the world this year

- I am a big  economic influential  power and should be treated differently  than the past summit 2015

-It's time to play with our rules as well as yours

- No country and/or authorities above the Chinese regulations settled by Chinese officials

-Privileges for any delegates and /or guests depends on future corporation with China 's interest and the mutual benefits of both countries

This  is the image of the new China that she wants to project  as a major world player specially that China predicted to be the largest world wide economy at 2020

can this happens ? who knows the major players in the next decades

if we look at this picture of the summit in 2015 and compare it with that of 2016

we can see how countries politics and Allies change from one year to another depends on benefits & interest  of each country

Friday, March 25, 2016

Posture effect on 1st impression

The impact of posture in the 1st impression

Our posture may say a lot about mental, psychological state as well as it gives a hint of what kind of personality we are

So by learning about posture, you are familiarizing yourself with the basic alphabet of body language and this information forms the foundation upon which all your subsequent impressions of others are built .same as your posture reflect your state of mind , your mood and character to other .

The posture is, how you hold your body while sitting standing and lying down it is the 1st clue of your character and personality, your posture will reflect your under lying state of mind whether you are feeling confident, submissive, optimistic or depressed

Let’s have a look about different kind of posture and what it reveals

 Confident posture:

Open body gesture :

Extended shoulders

Legs apart by 30cm

Arms lie beside the body in relaxed positon

This posture always taking by most leaders and men/women in power

Extended shoulders &chest -> confidence

Folded arms posture :

Unless it’s cold this posture indicates shy ,defensive character and conservative personality it  can be
The person is in a frustrated situation

Also hands clinched is a sign of frustration and the person is holding back negative attitude in this posture
presented in other ways like  partially folded arms or holding handbag towards body

 Berlusconi was in a frustrated situation in this picture where the financial crisis  was discussed during the G 20 SUMMIT  while Merkel & Sarkozy was more confident & relax

Folded arms whether tightly folded or clutching a bag or dossier or even clutching the bodyàuncertainty or lack of confidence
Aggressive posture :
Also known as Intimidated posture  or the Bolded posture

Those people who take this posture  tend to intimidate people from the 1st introduction ,also they are aggressive , bold and dominant in attitude

The intimidator they lean on the door, wall or furniture to increase body area
From these examples we can see how  posture gives an idea about the personality and the mental state of the person you are  dealing with or you can conclude an opinion just by looking to the postures of people after meeting or summit  gathering
at the end be as open as you can with your posture ,avoid folded legs or arms to give a positive1st  impression and  initiate a positive communication and most of all be relaxed because nothing more attractive than spontaneity

Shadia Metwally