Thursday, April 5, 2012

what personal image is

 "A picture  worth a thousand words "

So true because your image say a lot about you and people judge you in the 1st minute they meet you according to your image

Factors affecting personal image :

 by a simple look at the graph below


Did you ask your self if you projecting the right image that send the proper message to people about you .

Are middle eastern people aware of the importance of the look as an important element   of communication specially the non-verbal one as well as trust

If people at different levels wants to be well perceived and understood they should take care of their image and work on their look as well as their performance ,specially politicians since we are at an era where media have a great impact on public opinion.

As an example of how the look can work positively  to send the proper image

I took  Al Gore as an example


when he was a candidate in presidential election he adopt the look of young updated man

after he lost the race   his image in all news was so pathetic and stayed for 2-3 years out of the media  and it was mentioned that  he runs a restaurant at his native place

Then it was the comeback with different image to send alarm about the global warming


he gains weight to give the look of a  more mature man  caring and worried about the global environment ,talking to  people all over the world  as the expert and  wiser leader who work to save the globe from the increasing danger of the Global warming

and he become a symbol of success world wide and received many awards beside the books he wrote and the fortune he made.
This is a one example of how your look should match with the message you want to send the question that we should ask our selves is our politicians have the proper image that conform with the message they want to give and the role they want to play ?

Are they aware of their look as an important element of communication ?

I'll leave the answer to you ..and  till another thought and new subject take care of your image

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